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Peshkov Brothers
Russian Studio of men's jewelry

New every day
We like to create new things, work on beautiful and high-quality items.
Everything we do is a continuation of our philosophy, creativity and original ideas. We listen much to the opinions and wishes of our fans. Everything you see on our site is a product of shared creativity – Your desires and Our imagination.
Modern and the experience of thousands years.
In our work we use latest technologies, high-precision tools, and the latest engineering technologies. It's allows us to achieve high quality and to and create things at the limit of the capabilities.

The metal has character. To make metal live we use techniques that are thousands years old. Recipes for patina and metal processing that were used by ancient masters. This brings extra focus on the mood and allows us to forward it to you.
Everything has an emotion to feel. Understand the character. And create a unique style.
Artem and Alexander Peshkov